Your own writing coach. On demand. On a budget.

What would you do if you had access to a writing coach on demand?
With our Writing Coach on Demand program, you’ll have full access to multiple ways to get and stay motivated, brainstorm, get instant critiques, and build community.
Here’s what you get for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day:

Weekly bonus podcast and worksheets
The weekly How to be an Author podcast is great, but if you’ve ever found yourself wishing it went more into details and offered even more actionable tips and that there were worksheets and writing prompts you could access, you’re in luck. You’ll be receiving access to these weekly and get a login so you can access all of the bonus materials in one place.

Weekly mindset boosts, in your inbox
Need to feel motivated? Feeling down? Mental health is important, and if you’ve missed office hours and still need a boost, these videos will inspire and motivate you, and help you to put this writing journey into perspective. Just like my no BS tiktok content, but longer form, and just the thing you need when you’re feeling stuck.
Office hours with your writing coach
This is where you get the most amazing value. Each week, I’ll be holding multiple office hours- mornings, midday, evenings, weekends-there will always be at least one that works for you. You’ll be able to log on and get on-the-spot advice. If anyone else is in office hours with you, you can make a new virtual writer friend and run your problem scenes by a group.

Discounts on all products and services on the site
My signature courses and our fun writing themed mugs and clothing: they’ll all be 20% off for you for as long as you are a member!

Here’s why I decided to offer my writing coaching services on demand.

My dog says this format will also give me more time for my own writing and book marketing, and for her.
Four years ago, I started a writing group. Something that started around a round table in a local juice bar near San Francisco morphed into a weekly Zoom event that brought in writers from all walks of life and from all around the world. I learned SO MUCH from all of the writers who participated, many of whom have become clients and friends. It has truly been an education. This is why it feels so right, after 4 years, to graduate to the next level.
I’m going back to in-person writing group, in Santa Barbara. If you live in the Santa Barbara area, please reach out to see if the writing group is right for you.
Don’t worry, if you don’t live in Santa Barbara, I’m not abandoning you! I’m so excited by this new chapter: a brand-new membership platform. This new format allows me to:
-Bring valuable accountability, information, and motivation to writers like you at an affordable cost, in a way that is convenient to you.
-Focus on making bonus episodes of my podcast, How to be an Author, into an actionable teaching tool that will inspire and motivate writers.
-Have time and resources to build more signature courses to help you to make your writing dreams a reality, at your own pace, while feeling supported. From Idea to Published in 6 Months will include 6 months’ membership for free.
-Develop and host in-person writing retreats (coming soon!).