by Karena Akhavein | Oct 7, 2022 | Mindset
When I tell writers to plan for this one thing, they think I’m being contradictory. As a writing coach, I have learned that there is one crucial thing writers often forget to plan for. I lied. There are in fact lots of things beginning authors do not give...
by Karena Akhavein | Jul 6, 2020 | Mindset, Writer's Life
Many people want to write a book. Not many succeed. 81% of Americans believe they have a book in them, yet all but a tiny percentage never manage to finish writing a book, let alone publish one. Why do so many aspiring writers fail? How do you increase your chances of...
by Karena Akhavein | Jan 5, 2020 | Mindset, Writer's Life
Young writers, aspiring writers, beginning writers: Often, you are looking for advice and motivation. Well, this video delivers tough love and tells you why no one can actually motivate you to write. We’ll go over some compelling reasons why you should not be a...